Hi, I'm Kiki!
Let me introduce myself. I am a sometimes forest nymph, sometimes wild child, sometimes 80-year-old-man yelling at kids to get off his lawn, sometimes 12-year-old-boy who is both a total perv and finds great humor in bodily functions, trapped in the body of a middle-aged woman. At times in my life so far, I've been a McDonald's worker, a Korean linguist, a travel agent, a housewife, an outdoor recreation specialist, an artist, a pet sitter, a personal trainer. Currently, I am both a personal trainer and run a short-term rental, in addition to being a sarcastic delight. I remain, and always will, a Navy veteran (yes, I am also one of those old men who want to share with you my glory days). Seriously, though, being a veteran is one of the things I am most proud of, so even though I never did anything spectacular during my nine years of service, I will never sweep it under the rug, and it remains a part of what makes me up.
I enjoy a healthy number of pastimes. I love to travel. I love to read. I love to pick heavy things up and put them back down. I love to perform onstage. I love to dance. I love art. I love anything with a touch of whimsy, to include hot air balloons, carousels, harps, and anything that in general reminds me of a̶n̶ ̶a̶c̶i̶d̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶p̶ Alice in Wonderland. Probably above all these things, though, I love my Great Dane. My current love is named Gatsby. He was preceded by my former love, Donky (yes, I spelled that how I spelled it).
I'll be honest with you. While I am made up by a bit of magic, I have a bevy of less-than-desirable qualities. I cry too frequently for anyone's liking. I'm an anxious mess. I get in my own way. A lot. BUT..... I am a good friend, I am creative, I love thoroughly, and I try and reframe my maudlin thoughts (genetics are SO FASCINATING) into making life's mishaps into "Adventures," (thanks, James).
Throughout my 40 years on this planet, I've been told that people enjoy my stories and my photographs. Now, I will attest that my stories are better in person, probably largely because of the sweet, sweet sarcasm that I bring to the table, but I think the combo of my flat affect, possible over-dramatization, and my ability to belly laugh my way through the fork-ups that inevitably happen each telling don't hurt either. I've been told I should write a book, but between my general laziness, and the inability to coherently string together stories, that would be a bust. Unless it's just a book of nonsensical essays, in which case, it could be a bestseller.... Anywho, I do occasionally have some shirt to say (and let me just say right now, I'm thankful for spell check, because I can never seem to spell occasionally (or l̶a̶v̶e̶n̶d̶a̶r̶ lavender for that matter, but I digress) correctly), and some pictures to share.
I'm delving into the blog(o?)sphere in case anyone wants to tune into said stories and pictures, and the pressure is off me to do anything other than take said pictures and spin a yarn. Is it in order? Does it make sense? Who cares. You are about to be bombarded by too many Little Prince quotes (too many quotes in general) and swear(ish) words that indicate I have seen The Good Place an appropriate number of times.
I invite you to sit back and enjoy the narration while I live vicariously through myself, and often wonder, "How the Fork Did I Get Here?"
I enjoy a healthy number of pastimes. I love to travel. I love to read. I love to pick heavy things up and put them back down. I love to perform onstage. I love to dance. I love art. I love anything with a touch of whimsy, to include hot air balloons, carousels, harps, and anything that in general reminds me of a̶n̶ ̶a̶c̶i̶d̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶p̶ Alice in Wonderland. Probably above all these things, though, I love my Great Dane. My current love is named Gatsby. He was preceded by my former love, Donky (yes, I spelled that how I spelled it).
I'll be honest with you. While I am made up by a bit of magic, I have a bevy of less-than-desirable qualities. I cry too frequently for anyone's liking. I'm an anxious mess. I get in my own way. A lot. BUT..... I am a good friend, I am creative, I love thoroughly, and I try and reframe my maudlin thoughts (genetics are SO FASCINATING) into making life's mishaps into "Adventures," (thanks, James).
Throughout my 40 years on this planet, I've been told that people enjoy my stories and my photographs. Now, I will attest that my stories are better in person, probably largely because of the sweet, sweet sarcasm that I bring to the table, but I think the combo of my flat affect, possible over-dramatization, and my ability to belly laugh my way through the fork-ups that inevitably happen each telling don't hurt either. I've been told I should write a book, but between my general laziness, and the inability to coherently string together stories, that would be a bust. Unless it's just a book of nonsensical essays, in which case, it could be a bestseller.... Anywho, I do occasionally have some shirt to say (and let me just say right now, I'm thankful for spell check, because I can never seem to spell occasionally (or l̶a̶v̶e̶n̶d̶a̶r̶ lavender for that matter, but I digress) correctly), and some pictures to share.
I'm delving into the blog(o?)sphere in case anyone wants to tune into said stories and pictures, and the pressure is off me to do anything other than take said pictures and spin a yarn. Is it in order? Does it make sense? Who cares. You are about to be bombarded by too many Little Prince quotes (too many quotes in general) and swear(ish) words that indicate I have seen The Good Place an appropriate number of times.
I invite you to sit back and enjoy the narration while I live vicariously through myself, and often wonder, "How the Fork Did I Get Here?"